Title: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platform: PS3
Genre: Action Adventure
Release Date: 2/6/2012
Overview: NOTE: This game requires an EA Online Pass code to access bonus content. The Online Pass code is included with purchase, but not with rental of this title.

There are RPGs that create a rich back-story, and then there’s Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning – which spins a saga set atop 10,000 years of fictional history crafted by a best-selling fantasy author! Magic has returned to the realm of Amalur, and with it, chaos. The only one who can save the world is a hero who has already died. With the secrets of immortality unlocked, an epic quest of over 60 hours begins. Disappear into a giant open world and shape your destiny. Use a unique Action Magic combat system to develop your combat style, then crush your enemies with the raw power of Fateshift finishing moves.

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