Title: Peter Jackson’s King Kong
Publisher: Ubisoft
Platform: Xbox
Genre: Action Adventure
Release Date: 11/21/2005
Mind-blowing visuals highlight this creature-fest based on Oscar-winning director Peter Jackson’s remake of the classic movie. Captured in the wilds of Skull Island – a land that time forgot – King Kong is brought to New York, where he wreaks havoc before meeting his end. Developed hand-in-hand with Jackson, King Kong immerses players in the world of the landmark film. Begin the game as Driscoll, held prisoner by Skull Island tribesmen. You’ll battle T-Rexes, Velociraptors, Pterodactyls, and other menaces as you fight your way off Skull Island. But that’s only the beginning of this first-person shooter/third-person adventure that alternates play between Driscoll and the mighty Kong.

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