Title: Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars
Publisher: Capcom
Platform: Wii
Genre: Fighting
Release Date: 1/27/2010
Two powerhouses collide in this crossover showdown a half-century in the making! Fighters from video game maker Capcom meet warriors from the Tatsunoko anime production studio in this tag-team mash-up. Choose your favorite tag-team combination from over 20 characters. The Capcom lineup features Viewtiful Joe, Dead Rising’s Frank West, characters from Street Fighter, Mega Man Legends, and more. Tatsunoko’s lineup spans 50 years of the company’s history, led by oddball action hero Yatterman No. 1 and cyber-warrior Casshan. Switch freely between fighters during each matchup as you combine your fighter’s strengths into the kind of killer combos fighting fans could only dream of…until now!

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